Sunday, March 24, 2013

Bangkok Birthday!

Celebrated my birthday in Bangkok several weeks back. As a birthday present, at Zen department store, Bro got me the hedgehog baby I had trouble finding back home, while Sis got me the Garden Barbecue set. I got the Easybuy high chair and the fridge that were on sale, too.

And miniatures were a wonderful discovery at Chatuchak Market -- I had to restrain myself from overspending, but I still blew a chunk of my budget on these beauties! The pastries and china were about 10 baht each on average, the rest about 40-50 baht.

Shoddy picture I know, but you'll see more of these on this blog later on!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Moving in

All I wanted last Christmas was a Sylvanian house for my three lone Sylvanian figures Betty Blackberry and Sybil and Stephanie Clearwater. My sisters obliged, so ta-daah, I got the new Log Cabin (handcarried from Singapore!) and the Hedgehog family, the Brambles!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Just keep swimmin'

DIY project - sort of. Ready made grow-a-fish toy from the bookstore, painted the lid brown and made a matching cardboar stand. The inside of the lid is still blue, which bothers me, but I couldn't find a way to pry it open.